When you’re trying to choose the ultimate bait to improve your fishing experience, there is plenty to consider. Many people simply view bait as bait, and think that putting anything on the end of their fishing rod will yield the same kind of result, but this is not the case. You have to try to think about some of the best ideas that you can use that will help you to find the right bait to suit the type of fishing you want to do.
According to a study by the Environment Agency, freshwater anglers in the UK in 2018 contributed £1.4 billion annually to the economy, and much of this is spent on bair. Bait is a vital component of the fishing process, and is essential to choose the right bait that works for your needs. Bait has evolved significantly over the years, starting off as worms and maggots, but has now grown to incorporate many different types. Here are the top 5 considerations that you should look at when you’re trying to find the best type of bait.
1. Price
Budget should be one of the key considerations when you are looking to buy bait, and you need to think about pricing. Now, you don’t necessarily need to spend a huge amount, with estimates suggesting UK anglers spend around £200-250 per year on bait. Of course, it depends entirely on the type of bait you wish to purchase, as well as whether you are buying in bulk or not, and this is something you need to consider when shopping around for bait.
2. Type of Bait
There are a lot of different types of bait that you need to choose from these days, and it is really important to make sure you understand the different types of bait that are on the market. Head to British Baits and you will see they offer a diverse range of bait options to choose from, including boilies and pellets, as well as flavour ranges such as the Pink Himalayan Salt Range. Being able to choose the ideal type of bait to enhance your fishing experience is so important, and there is a lot to consider with this.
3. What Fish are You Trying to Lure?
It is hugely important to identify the type of fish you are trying to lure in advance, as this will help you to determine the colour and size of the bait you want to use. Choosing bait that is the right size and colour of that fish’s prey is a really good way of being able to improve your chances of catching something.
4. Artificial vs. Live
There is something to be said for using both live and artificial baits, and a combination of both is usually a good approach, especially if you’re trying to catch different types of fish. Live bait is typically cheaper, but artificial bait is much longer lasting, and this comes with a lot of benefits.
5. Location, Location, Location
The location you choose to fish from is something to take into account when trying to choose your bait. Freshwater fish are more inclined to respond to artificial bait, whilst saltwater fish will be more receptive to live bait. Consider your fishing location when making a decision on the kind of bait you want to get.
Choosing the right bait is more important than a lot of people might think, and this is something that you need to work on as much as you can. These are some of the key ideas that you can use to help you choose the perfect bait to enhance your fishing adventure, and to help you catch the fish you want to catch.