If you’re on the search for a Brisbane copywriter, you’ve already decided how copywriting can help your business. Professional copywriters can help you find the right words for any and every application: from hard copy pamphlets to regular blogging or industry-focused articles.

Just as with every professional, however, not all Brisbane copywriters are equal. But how do you find the right one for your business? If you need a good plumber it’s very easy to ask around your own network for find one in your area; but with a copywriter, many of the people in your network either won’t know a copywriter to suggest or will be holding their own as a closely guarded secret.

Fortunately for Brisbane, there are many experienced and talented copywriters in the area who may be able to provide high-quality services. It would be best to research and compare different copywriters in Brisbane to find one that fits your specific needs and budget.

Researching Copywriters

Most Brisbane copywriters don’t operate alone. If you’re looking for a copywriter to help your business, you’ll likely be searching for a marketing agency that specialises in copywriting.

There are a few things that you should do to research and compare Brisbane copywriting agencies.

1. Look at their portfolio

One of the best ways to get a feel for if a copywriting agency is right for your business is to take a look at their portfolio, both on their website and on their own social media channels. Most copywriting agencies can openly discuss their portfolio of clients, and will highlight some of the previous work they have done.

Take a look at their website portfolio and social media channels to see what businesses they currently or have previously worked with to determine a few things:

  • Do they have experience working in your industry?
  • Does their writing style suit your business and brand?

While it is often overlooked, determining that a copywriting agency has worked in (or around) your industry will go a long way in helping you know if they are right for you. If a copywriting agency has worked with air conditioning or real estate agencies, you know that they should have more than passing knowledge of your industry. This means that they should know how to navigate any tricky terminology or quirks of your industry.

It’s also important, however, to then take a look at some of the work they’ve done. It’s one thing to know the industry and another to know what style of writing suits that industry best. Make sure that the tone of their writing matches the industry they’ve written for – and make sure that they have clearly demonstrated they can write in the tone your business is looking to use. A technical copywriter is never going to be able to write lifestyle copy like a lifestyle copywriter and vice versa.

2. Check online reviews

Online reviews from platforms like Google and Facebook are a great way to gauge what working with a copywriter is like. Both positive and negative reviewers can help you find whether the copywriter is the right fit for you. Look for reviews that talk about how helpful the copywriter was, whether they were receptive to feedback, if they accurately captured the tone of voice, and what their turnaround time was like.

It may also be handy to see what type of businesses these reviews are coming from. If the positive reviews about how well a copywriter expressed the tone of voice are all coming from creative businesses and you are in the realm of accounting, perhaps they might not be the right fit.

3. Ask for a quote

Asking for a quote will help you find out what price point a copywriting agency sits at – but it can tell you so much more!

When asking for a quote take note of how the copywriting agency responded to your quote. Did they respond in a timely manner? Were they able to correctly interpret the services you were after? What was their tone like? Did they provide examples of previous work they’ve done in your industry, or a similar industry?

By thinking about these questions when getting a quote from a copywriting agency, you can start to picture what it will be like to work with them for ongoing services.

4. Conduct an interview

Hiring the services of a copywriter is a lot like hiring a new employee! While you won’t be conducting a formal ‘interview’, you’ll have the opportunity to ask some questions you have in a phone call or sit-down-meeting.

It’s likely that a Brisbane copywriting agency will ask for a meeting or phone call before giving you a final quote, so you’ll be able to prepare a few questions to ask them after you’ve discussed the scope of the work you want to be completed.

Questions you can ask your copywriter include:

  • What is the process for providing feedback and requesting changes?
  • What industries have you written for before?
  • How fast is your turnaround for regular work, and how fast is your turnaround on a sudden project with a strict deadline?  
  • What is your internal review process like? How is your copywriting reviewed before it is sent to me?

You’re Ready to Go Find a Brisbane Copywriter!

With all of these things in mind, you’re now ready to go and find yourself a Brisbane copywriter! There are so many to choose from, so your first point of call might be a Google or LinkedIn search for terms like ‘Brisbane Copywriter’ or ‘Digital Marketing Agency Brisbane’. Take your time to really assess whether you and your potential copywriting agency are a good fit for one another, and in doing so you might find just the people you needed to take your marketing to the next level. 


Joel James

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