Nail biting is a symbol that there might be some nervousness or anxiety in which we tend to do some tasks, and nail-biting is one of those tasks. There might be other reasons, such as having the habit of nail biting without any particular reason, and it is difficult to avoid such a habit, especially when it has been built since childhood. 

But what if we say that nail biting can harm your teeth severely, and you must avoid it? Will you be able to leave your habit? If yes, then this article is for you. We will understand the negative impacts of nail biting on your oral health so you can leave the habit. If you are in Fort Myers, then you must consult an experienced dental practice in Fort Myers so that they can provide detailed professional guidance to your cause. 

How does nail biting damage your teeth? 

  • Nail biting can lead to a negative impact on the looks of your teeth. Chipped or crooked teeth can cause severe problems due to continuous erosion. 
  • Additionally, nail biting can also lead to vital damage to your teeth. 
  • Nail biting puts pressure on the jaw bones, and continuous nail biting can lead to the shifting of teeth and jaw bones, leading to malocclusion. It is a problem with your bite; therefore, no one wants to be in such a situation. It can be solved only with braces and retainers; sometimes, you may need surgery to correct your bite. 
  • Root resorption is when the body’s immune system dissolves the tooth root structure. This process mainly occurs when you lose the baby teeth and nail-biting puts pressure on the teeth. 

Therefore, it is essential that you avoid nail biting, or it can cause irreplaceable loss to your teeth. Additionally, there are also other negative impacts of nail biting on your teeth, and some of them are as follows: 

Nail Biting Can Breed Bacteria in the Mouth:

When we bite our nails, the bacteria in the nails are sucked inside the mouth. There are hundreds of bacteria in one fingertip. Thus, it can lead to severe problems such as gingivitis or periodontitis. If left untreated, these gum problems can lead to severe issues and even result in tooth extraction. Therefore, you must avoid nail biting to keep your teeth healthy and safe from bacteria.  

Dora Hand

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