
Oral hygiene is important in combating and dealing with halitosis at one point in time in our lives. Daily brushing in the morning and at night followed by flossing eliminates food particles and plaque that cause bacteria. That is why you should use a copper scraper or simply a toothbrush to clean your tongue since 70 quarts of it consist of bacteria. 

Specialist advice and routine cleaning sessions at a proper dental office in Houston are mandatory to resolve the existing problem if present. An antiseptic mouthwash can add to the reduction of bacteria and clear the breath.

What part does Water Have to play?

One should also avoid having their mouth dry by avoiding the consumption of salty and processed foods due to their negative impacts on halitosis. Saliva aids in digestion as it moistens the food and washes out the mouth of foods and bacteria.

If the body is not well supplied with water, in particular if you have been thirsty, the production of saliva is also reduced and the mouth becomes dry, which predisposes to bad breath. They help keep the mouth moist all day and are vital for your health in many ways because of the role water plays. 

Chew sugar-free gum, because the chewing gum and sucking sugar-free candies stimulate saliva production that keeps their breath fresh.

What role does diet play in breathing?

In fact, your diet hugely determines your breath as this is evident when you take foods rich in garlic or onions. The effects of food on breath can be almost instantaneous; garlic, onions, and spicy dishes will give you halitosis until the food has been metabolized. Advisedly, intake of such foods should be limited to prevent the occurrence of halitosis. 

Eating crunchy fruits and vegetables like apples and carrots also improves your breath as well. Likewise, also radishes and rhubarb are some of the fruits and vegetables that help in improving the freshness of the breath. 

These are foods that naturally clean teeth and at the same time promote increased production of saliva in the mouth. Further, trying to take foods that are rich in probiotics such as yogurt will help in improving the health of teeth since it helps to ensure balance of the bacteria in the mouth.

Can Smoking Influence Halitosis?


This is mostly because there are direct effects of smoking and the use of other tobacco products on the development of bad breath. These habits not only lead to halitosis but also lead to teeth staining, and gum irritation, and are a hindrance to the perceiving of foods’ taste. 

Smoking is one of the most damaging habits that can be done to a human body and strongly discourages it if you care about your breath and teeth condition. If you find it difficult to quit then seeking help from health care practitioners and use of features that will assist in stopping the use of cigarettes can be helpful.


Halitosis can be controlled and managed by taking certain measures that are common to those applied in treating other forms of oral diseases and conditions, including regular methodical oral hygiene, taking enough water, observing proper diet, and refraining from the use of tobacco products. 

It is for this reason that it is recommended that people visit a dentist for a check-up at least once every six months to ensure any issues are detected early and treated. It is important to note that if you adopt all these habits, you can manage halitosis and experience better breathing and enhanced oral health.

Joel James

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